February 10, 2025

Vintage Tin Car rules

Vintage Tin class brings back classic 50’s and 60’s NASCAR racing with almost a completely stock chassis.  This is the slowest chassis that is in competition, but it is big on excitement.  Jump back into racing at it’s purest sense.  Maximum tech width 1-1/16th inch.

Chassis Specification
Manufacturer – only copper T-jet chassis from Aurora.
Chassis must remain stock without modifications.
No venting, lightening or trimming allowed.  Chassis gear plate must remain stock without modifications.
No metal bearings allowed.
No weight may be added to the chassis.

OEM Aurora or Model Motoring stock, grey tip 2 Lam maximum motors with a minimum of 16 ohms.   Balancing allowed, no  truing, rewinds, or de-winds.

Electrical System
Stock copper chassis, Re-rivoting of chassis allowed.
Brushes – flat copper composite only (brushes may be scored)
Any copper pickup shoe allowed, no ski shoes, pickup shoes may be restricted.

Stock Aurora magnets only, no modifications.
Magnets may be shimmed with plastics or non-ferrous metal.

OEM Aurora gears only
No modifications allowed, gears may be polished.
9-tooth pinion only.
Stock Aurora crown gear or any other aftermarket crown gear for 9-tooth pinion.


Any axle allowed

Shimming allowed on outside of axle
OEM rims or aftermarket double flange rims.
Rims maybe plastic or aluminum. (JWS Part# Aluminum W01A-1, Plastic W01D-1)
No brass or weighted independent front ends.

Front, any, minimum height .350 inch.
Rear, slip on silicone, minimum height .360 inch.

skinny silicone rear

Body Specifications
Hard shell, injection, resin cast, no syrene.
Minimum body weight 3.0 grams with screws.
Body may be lowered and lightened.
No body weighting allowed.
Fender wells may be cut for tire clearance.
Car must have both bumpers and windshield.
Vintage Tin NASCAR bodies used during the years 1950-1968.