July 26, 2024

Eater’s Only Race

What an exciting weekend at Roundtop Raceway in Wellsville, Pennsylvania for the first annual Eaters First race.  Doors opened shortly before 8 am for the 19 drivers to herd in and claim their pit spots to get ready for a day of racing.  Racers had 2 hours to practice before the 10 am start of the nostalgia class. This class moved along fairly quickly running 2 minute heats. BK came out up top followed by Hiram D, Derek S., and Randy H in fourth.
Once superstock cars were teched in, order was randomly drawn by trackmate and we got back to racing. We all knew when Hiram laid down 21 laps in the red lane, he was going to be hard to beat. He averaged that per lane and came out on top with 84 laps, followed by Derek with 81, Dan also with 81 laps, and BK in fourth with 80 laps.
Now, what everyone came for…. the food! Big Shane pulled through again with an amazing meal! Not one racer went without a smile on their face as they bit into their 1/2 lb pub burgers with smoked bacon, Gouda cheese, sautéed mushrooms and onions and fresh cut fries!
With full bellies, we got our slip on cars ready for a 3 minute main event. After three years, we ran into a small issue with the track. We decided to run only three lanes to keep the event moving.  Derek S was the winner followed by Donny, Chuck, and Hiram.
A special thanks goes out to Dave Simms for coming out with his mobile parts store to keep us going.
Was also great having Hiram’s cousin Benny show up all the way from New York. As a token of appreciation, I took care of his entry fees for making the trip.
Thanks everyone for coming out, hope you all had as good of a time as I had, and see you next race!