Today was a good day. Got to see some friends I haven’t raced with in a couple of years and race with them and some friends I see quite regularly. Today’s race was the 8th annual Springville Summer Slam. Consisting of fray legal SS tjets on 3 tracks and everyone was divided up into 2 groups. The two groups were split on the 2 small tracks and then we all raced together; round robin format on the Green Mamba having the combined distance calculated for the finishing positions from the totals of all 3 tracks. The laps all added up leaving Joel Lux in for the W with a combined total of 16055 feet and second place went to Marc Sevier with 15759 feet and third place went to the Zoomin Human, Paul Kniffen having 15740 feet for his total. And seeing how I’m writing this I feel it necessary to mention that I lost 2 laps (one on red and the other on yellow both on Joel’s Green Mamba) that in the end was 180ft. Basically that would have put me second place. Stupid rule. But I ended up fourth over all in SS.
Then on to the iroc race. Both the iroc and nostalgia were ran at the same time on the Green Mamba and the Whalen speedway. Everyone was divided up into 2 groups again. One raced iroc and the other nostalgia. The iroc race was fun and close in both groups with the end results being some of the most closest racing I’ve been in quite some time. First place was taken by Steven Dickinson 47 laps 48 sections. Second place was Travis (sorry I never got his last name) 47 laps 32 sections. And third was Marc Sevier 47 laps 28 sections. Forth went to (yes I’ll keep going cuz this is how close it was) Paul Kniffen 47 laps 11 sections. Fifth was Warren Lux 46 laps 30 sections and sixth was Randy Jay Haydt 46 laps 7 sections just a bit over one lap between the top 6 people needless to say it was close. As iroc racing should be.
On to the nostalgia class. This was another close one again having the groups split up it left one group wondering how good or how bad they were doing. With the win going to Steve Dickinson 74 laps 14 sections and second place went to Marc Sevier 72 laps 36 sections. And third went to Brian Sponagle (Spoons) 72 laps and 17 sections.
Although the race had a few missing that would normally be there but due to personal conflicts they were unable to attend. Regardless it was great to race with and see everyone and as this race continues to grow in popularity the attendance will also. This needs to be marked on everyone’s calendar as a must hit race. It brings people from Canada (that makes this an international event) and Jersey.
Again thank you to Joel and Warren Lux and Lynn Livermore for hosting this event every year and all the participants like Hiram Durant, Dan Wirfel, Sean and Adam Moneypenny all the way from Ohio. George Vianco and all the others mentioned in this post and others that make the event happen every year.